Honoring Our Service Members
The month of May is a time to honor our active service men and women, Veterans and those who stand beside them and care for them. Military Appreciation Month was introduced in 1999 by Sen. John McCain and encourages Americans to reflect on the sacrifices made by soldiers, sailors, and all current and former military personnel.
Sage Steele grew up in a West Point family watching her father’s remarkable military career and a life lived with integrity. From a young age, she and her brothers were taught to embody the cadet prayer: “Help me to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and to never be content with a half-truth when the whole can be won.” As Sage encounters obstacles in life, she always returns to the truth and honor of the simple cadet prayer and the lessons her father instilled.
Click to watch the NFL Films’ Story: A Family Bond Strong like Steele, featuring Sage Steele and her father and personal hero, Col. Steele (Ret.)
Sage has discovered when we stop and think, we usually know exactly what decision we should make. The cadet prayer has guided Sage through some of her toughest times, and has proven to be a point of clarification when pondering nearly every aspect of life. Sage’s impactful words resonate with gratitude, honor, and a shared commitment to service.
Celebrate our military heroes through her powerful voice!
Learn more about Sage and our incredible roster of speakers here.